Keith Gayhart will represent The Greater Contribution in this year’s “Racing the Planet’s 20-Year Ultramarathon” in Jordan November 5-11.
Our “Move 2 Empower” fundraiser July 11-22 will provide immediate relief to the most impoverished Ugandan women beyond our borders.
The Greater Contribution’s monthly micro loans of $50+ to women in rural Uganda, Africa, offer support along with literacy and business skills training, mentoring and peer counseling, so that women can start their own businesses and lift their families out of poverty.
You’re invited! But please don’t show up to The Greater Contribution’s 16th Annual Black Tie No-Show Dinner fundraiser.
Uganda continues dealing with economic and social hardships caused by the coronavirus. We will regularly update the situation in Uganda and how the circumstances there are pushing many families even closer than before to the economic brink.
To celebrate The Greater Contribution’s 15th Anniversary, we held a virtual event with a special message from President and Co-Founder Karon Wright.