Today, we head out to observe final repayment day of the current loan cycle and to distribute new loans. This is one of the most joyous days I have here. As we arrive in the villages, we are often met with songs of welcome and wonderful dancing. As we distribute the loans, the women are so thrilled and so grateful, often kneeling as they shake our hands. Others simply engulfing us in joyous hugs! This is microfinance in action! This is the love of TGC supporters in action! Photos tomorrow!
While all this is going, many, many people are working away behind the scenes, here in Uganda and at home in the U.S. to help make all this happen. I am very fortunate to have my colleague and fellow board member, Carolyn Corwin, with me on this trip. As you’ve read in her blog posts, she is a very compassionate, giving person. She is a great example of someone who gives her time, her talents and her money to serve a cause dedicated to helping others. And she does all of this leaving at home, a husband, two children, a very business she runs with her husband and like all TGC board members and volunteers, pays for the trips out of her own pocket!
While here, she works with our staff here to solve technology problems, bringing an expertise that I don’t have and that is desperately needed. She also keeps my technology running enabling me to blog, do email, make phone calls and more! This allows me to work on some broader issues like how to better use our strategy to move the needle of poverty for our lady borrowers. It gives me the time and energy to effectively meet and plan with our Ugandan partners. Her gifts to this program and the women of Uganda are immeasurable!
I am blessed to have many such women on The Greater Contribution Board and as volunteers in the organization. They don’t all come to Africa with me, but they work tirelessly behind the scenes, very day, to help change the lives here. Why do people give so unselfishly? Because they get so much in return. To be able to make a transformative change in someone’s life, is a great gift. I know that many of you have given financially to make this work possible. Thank you for being an important part of this work and I hope you’re enjoying the gift of being able to change lives!